Tuesday, September 28, 2010


My photography class and I went to McNab's Island in Halifax harbour recently. I was paired up with a second year student by the name of Telesa Thompson to take some photos of her. Check out her site @ telesathompsonphoto.ca. I also took other shots of some class mates and whatnot, but I'll post those later. The island is a pretty sweet place. I didn't take enough photos. I need to look into going back again before next year's trip.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Nay Than

... tay kss nigh ss pick churss ...


Inherited this and quite a few other cameras from my uncle.


This is Charles aka Chuck aka Chuckles aka Charlesurich aka Charley Bingbong. I shot him for a portrait project at school. I used my new "nifty fifty". I like it. I missed shooting with a straight 50.


Much to my chagrin, the instructor of my photo course assigned us with the task of getting our sensors absolutely filthy. Here's two of the shots I took.

Friday, September 10, 2010


I'm now attending the Photography program at NSCC. Here's a few shots I took for a class exercise.

The model/fellow classmate is Matt LeBlanc.